Rusty Firmin ®

Photo Usage
Read through the photo usage, regarding this website. Learn more about Rusty Firmin, his services, appearances, blogs and testimonials from peers. He is based in Surrey.
​Rusty with the Iron Lady in Hereford SAS camp.
Photo Usage
All Content on the Rusty Firmin ® website is protected by United Kingdom and international copyright laws and treaties.
You may not copy or reproduce any Content (in whole or in part) without prior written permission.
Usage / Licensing of Photographs
Rusty Firmin ® remains sole owner of all copyrights for the photographs, drawings, and hybrid/composite images on this site, used on this site as well as linked from this site to third parties.
If you want to purchase an image, please describe precisely how you intend to use the image(s). We will then draft an appropriate license agreement and determine a price. Once the terms are agreed upon the images will be sent via CD/email/internet along with an invoice. Payments can also be made using major credit cards.
Exclusivity: Photo Usage Licenses
An Exclusive licence provides the buyer/licensee with an assurance that the same image will not be licensed to any third party for the duration of the agreement.
A Non-Exclusive license allows additional licenses of the same image to be sold to other parties under separate agreements. This is the default condition of sale.
Extent of Usage: One time use in a specified media or as an extended use in a variety of media over a period of time.
One time Use License Agreements for Digital Images: Provides the buyer/licensee with the right to use an image for any commercial, personal, non-profit or editorial projects involving advertising, print media, web site publication, or broadcast for a single instance. In this case, the licensing agreement will specify the extent of the image's usage - whether it will be printed in a newsletter, newspaper or billboard - or shared on a website etc. Also included in the agreement (and affecting the price of the license) will be the number of copies being made (for print media) or duration that the image is to be posted (for web media). Any additional printing runs or featuring of the images on the web will require an additional license agreement.
Extended Use License Agreements for Digital Images: It allows the usage of the purchased image(s) in any commercial, personal, non-profit or editorial projects involving advertising, print media, web site publication, or broadcast for an extended period of time. Typically this time period is one to five years, but can be longer. During this time, the buyer/licensee is free to print, publish, distribute the purchased image(s) without restriction in a variety of media - even simultaneously - without need to procure additional licensing agreements. The only restriction to this license other than a reasonable time limit is that it is not transferrable to a third party. If one party purchases images that a third party would like to use as well, the third party will have to procure a separate license agreement.
Copyright and Credit: Implicit to any licensing agreement is the buyer/licence's agreement to credit the owner of the copyright (Rusty Firmin ®) whenever any image is used. No copyright or intellectual property is transferred at any point to the buyer/licencee. When possible, Rusty will appreciate photo credits to include not only his name but a link to his web site:
Prints: Prints are sold "as is" and become the physical property of the buyer post sale. The images borne by the prints, however, are still protected by copyright and may not be altered or reproduced without written approval from Rusty.
© Rusty Firmin ® 2015 All Rights Reserved